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Crafts, Hobbies & Home

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Released: 2012-01-12

Weekend Homesteader: February by Anna Hess


Escape the winter doldrums by expanding your homestead. Easy garden additions like strawberries and raspberries can provide delicious fruit for your family in a year or less. Add homegrown eggs from your new chicken flock and you'll have a feast. Meanwhile, buying non-perishables in bulk will save money while ensuring you have plenty of food during emergencies. Finally, an informal apprenticeship is the perfect way to learn hands-on skills like milking a cow or fermenting grapes into wine.

For those of you who are new to Weekend Homesteader, this series walks you through the basics of growing your own food, cooking the bounty, preparing for emergency power outages, and achieving financial independence. Technically, the series began in May (or November in the southern hemisphere), but most of the projects are designed to be accessible even to someone starting from square one each month. This ebook, and each other volume in the series, presents one easy and fun project for each weekend so that you'll keep making headway without becoming overwhelmed.
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Book Details

Author: Anna HessPublisher: Wetknee BooksBinding: Kindle EditionLanguage: EnglishPages: 47

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